About Amber Leach - Managing Director of Established By Her Marketing Agency

Amber Leach is a driven and visionary entrepreneur, dedicated to making a positive impact on the world through her expertise in marketing and public relations. As the Managing Director of Established By Her Marketing Agency, a prominent Plymouth-based marketing agency, Amber leads a team of talented professionals who share her passion for supporting businesses that are making a difference.

Amber's journey towards founding her own agency began with a deep-rooted desire to contribute to environmental conservation. She pursued her academic pursuits with an unwavering commitment to her cause, earning a degree in Environmental Biology. Recognising the importance of effective communication in driving change, she further honed her skills by studying Science and Communication, Photography and Public Relations.

Motivated by a genuine desire to "save the world," Amber realised that her greatest impact could be achieved by leveraging her extensive experience in marketing and PR. Over the course of 15 years, she gained invaluable insights while working in various roles within the industry and even running her own business. Amber's diverse background provided her with a comprehensive understanding of the marketing landscape, allowing her to develop innovative strategies tailored to the specific needs of purpose-driven organisations.

Established By Her Marketing Agency represents a culmination of Amber's knowledge, experience, and unwavering dedication to creating positive change. Amber and her team are deeply committed to supporting businesses that share a common goal of making a difference in the world. By collaborating closely with clients, Established By Her helps to amplify their impact, raise awareness, and drive meaningful engagement.

Amber's leadership style is characterised by her strong belief in collaboration, transparency, and ethical practices. She fosters an inclusive and empowering work environment, encouraging her team to think outside the box and push boundaries to achieve extraordinary results. Amber firmly believes that the collective efforts of like-minded individuals and organisations can create a ripple effect, leading to a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

In addition to her professional pursuits, Amber is an advocate for environmental and social causes. She actively engages in community initiatives, regularly volunteering, and inspiring others to take action and be catalysts for change. Amber's deep sense of purpose infuses everything she does, driving her to continually seek innovative ways to leverage marketing and PR as tools for positive transformation.

Our Plymouth Marketing Agency

Admin queen and awesome office manager!

Leanne is a superstar and has worked with Amber for 7 years and had played a huge part in Amber's business growth and success! Mainly by being the best PA in the world!
Leanne loves coffee, chocolate, and being super organised!


Katie is the newest member of the EBH team.

She joined us in August 2022 as a Digital Marketing Apprentice and has since become an essential part of our team due to her skills in social media management, analytics, and email marketing.

Katie loves music, Formula 1 and most importantly, COFFEE!

Aaron is our in house videographer and graphic designer.

How can we describe his role… all things multimedia! Aaron quickly established himself as a vital member of the team. His knowledge of all things multimedia has been invaluable for us and I can’t wait to see what he achieves with a client portfolio.

He loves all things music, the night, his puppy, and working quietly without us forcing cake onto his lap.



Amber is a social media marketing specialist, business coach, and award winning photographer.

With 15 years of marketing & PR experience across a wide range of industries.

Amber loves CAKE, strategy and sea swimming!


Meet the team

At Established By Her Marketing Agency, Amber Leach and her team are ready to embark on a journey with purpose-driven businesses, supporting them in their noble endeavours to make a lasting impact. Together, they strive to create a world where businesses thrive while positively transforming the environment and society as a whole. If you need a Plymouth marketing agency then look no further!



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Take a moment to fill out our contact form & we will get back to you as soon as we can. 
We aim to reply to all of our enquiries within 48 hours. 

If we haven't replied please give us a call, we don't want to leave you hanging!

We cannot wait to work with you!

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